Light Roast
Notes: Grape Juice, Hard Cider, Hazelnut
Varietal: Colombia & Castillo
Region: Anserma Caldas (Hacienda La Palmera Farm)
Process: Natural + Carbonic Maceration
Elevation: 1,450 - 2,000 MASL
Recommended: Pour Over, Auto Drip, Full Immersion
Wholesale Colombia El Embrujo Carbonic Maceration | Light Roast
For every bag purchased we make a donation to Next Step New Mexico. We donate $1 for every 12 oz bag, $2 for every 2lb bag, and $3 for every 5lb bag.
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The story of this coffee really goes back to 1969 when Don Octavio Rodriguez, as a young student from Manizales was transferred to the Coffee Triangle region to finish his medical studies in the field. Don Octavio Rodriguez was the son of a coffee farmer in the Valle del Cauca, so he gre up surrounded by coffee trees and all that goes into production. Out of a love for the land and the farms he had been sent to, he purchasedLa Palmera, a 6 hectare farm. Due to his love for coffee and astute managment, under his leadership he grew the farm to 161 hectares, of which 135 are dedicated to coffee production with the rest in reserve for environmental preservation.
Now the family farm is managed by his son, Ignacio and the Hacienda La Palmera is dedicated to the finest coffee production. Ignacio focuses mostly on natural processes, while ensuring cup consistency. To achieve this, Ignacio has built a cupping laboratory and a microbiology laboratory to help him better understand the process happening on a biological level so that he might continue to improve his already stellar processing.
La Palmera employs 48 women year round, which allows these women to support their families. They manually sort the cherries to ensure only high quality, ripe cherries are selected for processing. All of the process that Ignacio uses attmpts to utilize recycled materials as much as possible, including water for processing. This fits well with his goal of using sustainable energy, such as solar energy.
Once the cherries are sorted and delivered, they are floated and hand sorted again to remove any remaining cherres that may be damaged or low quality. After this a fermentation of 170-190 hours is used along with carbonic maceration, a unique process that delivers notes similar to wine in the coffee. The processing team monitors brix, TDS, and PH to ensure the results are ideal and replicatable. Once fermentation is complete the cherries are dried in silos at temperatures below 38 degrees.
This specific coffee was termed the Shaman due to the process and its bewitching flavor profile. The grape juice and hard cider pop in this coffee to give a bright clean cup, with a hazelnut finish that balances the cup throughout. This is one of the highest scoring coffees that we have cupped in a long time, and we are excited to present it to you.